“Where’s the Hedgehog?”
Probably not a phrase you’d hear first thing in a befuddled daze at 6:30am. The little bugger had escaped and…
Well worth watching for this holiday season.
5,096 total views
This is where the UK is today
3,339 total views, 2 views today
Raspberry Pi
This little box of tricks is super flexible, great for learning stuff and there’s loads of stuff out there that…
SSH client
I’ve used PuTTY for years, but this provides much more functionality https://www.bitvise.com/ 4,219 total views
Scan a network in seconds
https://www.advanced-ip-scanner.com/ 1,911 total views
A great cloud based server host
I’ve been using them for years. Highly recommended and they’re extremely helpful. https://www.linode.com 3,980 total views
A great, lightweight image/video viewer
https://www.irfanview.com/ 1,021 total views
Is Cloud Computing for everyone? – first published 2017
I wanted to write my own post about what Cloud Computing is, but there are many articles available on the…
Selling Service Solutions – first published in 2017
There’s been a significant shift over the last few years from big manufacturers to complement their portfolio with services. It’s…